Pregnant With No Maternity Insurance, What Choices Now

Pregnant with No Maternity Insurance, What Choices Now?

Many believe that Pregnant Women are not eligible for Medicaid. The reality is quite different. All US health insurance companies, including Medicaid, cover pregnancy and childbirth. This is for women who are low-income. It is absurd to believe that pregnant women are not eligible for Medicaid. Pregnant women can also use Medicaid facilities. Even if…

Fmla 101 Everything Expectant Moms Need To Know About The Law

FMLA 101: Everything Expectant Moms Need To Know About the Law

There are many questions you need to ask if you are considering taking maternity leave. One of them is: Does the law protect me? Can I be fired if I take leave? What happens if I have pregnancy complications? Can my employer discriminate against me? Does the FMLA cover maternity leave and how does it…

how to enjoy your third trimester of pregnancy

Third Trimester – What to Expect and How to Enjoy it

There is so much anticipation while you’re pregnant that by the time you reach your third trimester, you no longer enjoy your pregnancy. Most of the time, when you hit the third trimester, you’re both happy with excitement and restless with expectation. You’ve made it through two-thirds of your pregnancy, and in a way, the…

Managing Stress And Anxiety During Pregnancy – 8 Top Tips

Managing Stress And Anxiety During Pregnancy – 8 Top Tips

When you are about to become a new mom (single or not), stress during pregnancy comes in waves, and as the due date comes closer, it can be quite overwhelming. It’s a well-known fact that people tend to ask pregnant women inappropriate questions or comment about their bodies in ways they normally wouldn’t. It doesn’t…