Delaware TANF For Single Mothers

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by Lori Pace

Are you a single mother in Delaware struggling to make ends meet? The Delaware Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program may be able to provide you with the temporary financial assistance you need.

TANF serves as the main cash assistance program for lower-income families with children under the age of 18. This article will provide the necessary information about TANF, including eligibility requirements, benefits, and the application process.

TANF offers a range of benefits to single mothers in need. Through this program, you can receive cash assistance to help cover your family’s basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. Additionally, TANF provides access to services like job training, education, and child care assistance, which can help you secure stable employment and improve your financial situation.

By participating in work-related activities, you can gain valuable skills and experience that can lead to long-term financial stability for you and your children. 

Eligibility Requirements of TANF in Delaware

To qualify for Delaware TANF, applicants must be U.S. citizens or legal aliens living in Delaware, pregnant or have a child under 19, and either unemployed or underemployed.

In addition, they must meet income eligibility guidelines, which are determined based on family size. The annual income limit for a needy family in Delaware is less than $338 monthly for a family of three.

To maintain eligibility, single mothers must work or participate in work-related activities for at least 30 hours a week.

Eligibility Requirements Of Tanf In Delaware

These requirements ensure that the program targets those in need, giving them the support they need to overcome financial challenges and improve their situation. 

Application Guidelines of TANF in Delaware

When you’re ready to apply for TANF assistance in Delaware, remember a few guidelines.

You can apply in person at a local Division of Social Services (DSS) office or online through Delaware ASSIST. It’s important to gather all necessary documents, such as proof of identification, social security numbers for all household members, proof of income, and proof of residency in Delaware.

The application will also require information about your household size and composition. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by DSS to determine your eligibility for TANF benefits.

You may be eligible for financial assistance to cover utility bills, housing vouchers, child care assistance, and energy costs if approved. Additionally, uninsured children in your household may be eligible for Medicaid coverage, and you may also qualify for the child tax credit.

Remember to provide accurate and up-to-date information throughout the application process to ensure a smooth and efficient review of your case. 

How Much Money Will You Receive From the TANF Program

Your family’s income and size will be considered to determine the amount of financial assistance you’ll receive from the TANF program. The amount of money you’ll receive will depend on these factors.

In Delaware, the maximum TANF money for a family of three with no income is $338 monthly. However, the actual amount you receive may be lower, depending on your family’s income and size.

It’s important to note that TANF is a temporary cash assistance program designed to provide short-term help while you seek employment. The program has a lifetime limit of 36 months, with exceptions for certain groups like the elderly, disabled, and children under 18.

How Much Money Will You Receive From The Tanf Program

If you’re a single mother in Delaware and meet the eligibility requirements, the TANF program can provide financial assistance to cover expenses such as food, shelter, utilities, and non-medical needs. 

What to Do If the TANF Application is Denied?

If your TANF application is denied, taking the necessary steps to understand why and what you can do next is important.

As a single mother in Delaware seeking assistance, it can be frustrating to be denied, but options are available.

The first step is to review the eligibility requirements for TANF in Delaware and compare them to your circumstances.

Contact Delaware Social Services to discuss your situation further if you believe an error or understanding needs to be made. They can guide the appeals process and any additional documentation that may be needed.

It’s important to stay proactive and persistent in seeking the assistance you need. 

Alternative Resources for Single Mothers in Delaware

Various other resources are available for unmarried women raising children independently in Delaware. If your TANF application is denied or ineligible, alternative options exist.

Firstly, you can seek assistance from the Office of Child Care Services, which provides childcare assistance for children from birth to age 13.

The Delaware Housing Authority also offers rental assistance programs to help single mothers find affordable housing units.

If you need legal assistance, you can contact the Legal Services Corporation of Delaware, which provides free legal aid to low-income individuals.

Furthermore, the Food Supplement Program, or SNAP, can provide nutritional support for you and your children.

Lastly, the Delaware Division of Employment and Training offers job training programs to help single mothers gain the skills and qualifications necessary for employment.

It’s important to note that eligibility for these programs may vary, and it’s recommended to refer to the federal income eligibility guide and contact the respective offices for more information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can single mothers who are not U.S. citizens or legal aliens apply for TANF in Delaware?

No, single mothers who are not U.S. citizens or legal aliens cannot apply for TANF in Delaware. Eligibility requirements include being a U.S. citizen or legal alien.

Are there any exceptions to Delaware’s 36-month lifetime limit on receiving TANF checks?

Yes, exceptions to the 36-month lifetime limit on receiving TANF checks in Delaware exist. The exceptions include the elderly, disabled individuals, and children under 18 years old.

Can single mothers with part-time employment still be eligible for TANF in Delaware?

Single mothers with part-time employment can still be eligible for TANF in Delaware. They must work or participate in work-related activities for at least 30 hours a week to qualify.

Can pregnant women not in their ninth month still apply for TANF in Delaware?

Pregnant women not in their ninth month cannot apply for TANF in Delaware. Eligibility for TANF includes being in the ninth month of pregnancy or having a child under 19.

What types of work-related activities are acceptable for meeting the 30-hour weekly requirement for TANF eligibility?

Acceptable work-related activities for meeting the 30-hour weekly requirement for TANF eligibility in Delaware include job search, vocational training, education, community service, and work experience programs. These activities help recipients gain skills and find employment. 


In conclusion, Delaware TANF provides important financial assistance to single mothers who need temporary support while seeking employment. The program offers benefits such as cash assistance for food, shelter, utilities, and other non-medical expenses.

To be eligible for TANF in Delaware, single mothers must meet certain criteria, including being a U.S. citizen or legal alien, residing in Delaware, and having a child under the age of 19.

Applying for TANF can be done in person at a local DSS office or online through Delaware ASSIST. The money received through TANF depends on family size and income, with a maximum of $338 a month for a family of three with no income.

In cases where the TANF application is denied, single mothers can explore alternative resources for assistance.

It is important for single mothers in Delaware to be aware of the eligibility requirements and application guidelines for TANF and the potential benefits they may receive. By understanding the process and resources available, single mothers can navigate the TANF program and access the support they need during financial hardship.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!