Help With Bills In Rhode Island

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by Lori Pace

Single mothers face a lot of pressure to keep their finances afloat. This is due to the many monthly bills they have to pay. We will now discuss some programs that can help single mothers pay their monthly bills in Rhode Island specifically.

Utility Bills Help In Rhode Island

National Grid

National Grid

National Grid is a reliable electric utility company that can be trusted in Rhode Island and other states. They provide reliable services and also manage programs for low-income customers. These are some of the ways they can help:

  • Customers who have financial difficulties may be eligible for discounts up to $30
  • Payment extensions: Customers who are in financial trouble will be granted additional time to pay.
  • National Grid offers a Forgiveness Program if you are feeling overwhelmed by your past bills.
  • Budget Plan: These will allow you to divide your annual energy expenses into 12 equal payments so you don’t overpay.

Good Neighbor Energy Fund

The Rhode Island Good Neighbor Energy Fund provides assistance to individuals and families that have fallen behind on their heating bills. However, they are unable to access federal programs such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. 

To be eligible for assistance, applicants must first provide proof of financial hardship. They will then be granted a grant of up to $650, depending on the heating method used and the size of their household. The Good Neighbor Fund accepts donations from individuals, businesses, and other organizations to help fund the operation.

Entouch Wireless 

Entouch Wireless

Through the national Lifeline Program, Entouch Wireless offers affordable internet service as well as free mobile phone services to low-income households. Customers of Entouch Wireless who earn less than 135% of the average annual income of their state are eligible for reduced rates. You may also be eligible if you receive any other government assistance.

Other Bills Help In Rhode Island


Medicaid provides affordable, or even free, medical coverage for those who are at the lower income bracket. The Medicaid Program covers many medical needs for single mothers as well as their families. Medicaid is a great way for low-income people to access medical care.

Feed America

Feed America, a well-known nonprofit that aims to end hunger and insecurity of food supply in America, is well-known. The state of Rhode Island is also home to the organization. They provide nutritious food and groceries for thousands of low-income individuals. To provide enough food for low-income families, they rely on donations from across the country.

The Salvation Army Help With Clothes

They can be a reliable source of assistance. They provide assistance to those in need, helping them with clothing and shoes. You can find them at various thrift shops across the country. To pick up what you need, go to one of them and make a purchase.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!