Your Brain on Birth Control

Contraceptive Research: Your Brain on Birth Control

Daily, millions of women use hormonal birth control pills. Unfortunately, they have been associated with causing neurophysiological and behavioral effects. Much contraceptive research has been done to ascertain what the synthetic hormones in the pills do to the brain. Some of the research aimed to find out the effect of birth control pills on your…

visors for women

Best Sun Hats & Visors for Women Reviews To Keep That Precious Face “Sun Safe”

Stylish visors for women will help you survive the summer with style. After you have chosen a stylish one-piece swimsuit, a flattering t-shirt dress, some cool shades, and sandals that will not blister, you can now choose a chic visor cap to complement your cute little cutie. You want a headpiece that you can wear…

complex personality

Signs Of A Complex Personality That Single Moms Should Know

Have you ever heard that you are complex? Do you find yourself creative or do you tend to overanalyze? No matter how complex or simple you are, there is one thing certain: You need to learn to accept your individual personality traits. Each personality type has its positives and minuses. What Is Complex Personality, and a…

being a single mother makes you depressed and angry

Is It True That Being A Single Mother Makes You Depressed And Angry

Parenting can be very isolating. Yet, we share many similar emotions and have shared experiences. And being a single mom is even more pressured, as we have mentioned so many times in many articles of single But is it true that being a single mother makes you depressed and angry? Do you believe yourself…

Weight Loss On A Budget

Weight Loss On A Budget: Best Tips For Single Moms

Being a single mother is a tedious job. She needs to balance her career, family, and social life. Trying to cook healthy yet budget-friendly meals every night could be overwhelming. Despite limited time for planning and a tight budget, you can still cook healthy foods even as a solo parent. Adopting a healthy lifestyle may…

how to prevent cyberbullying

How To Prevent Cyberbullying: 9 Things to Know

Cyberbullying has become a major social problem in online communities. As a single mother, how can you prevent cyberbullying harm your children? Cyberbullying Facts One in five teens has been cyberbullied, according to research. 29% of teens have been bullied online. Cyberbullying escalated during the COVID-19 epidemic. Research shows that cyberbullying rose 70% during stay-at-home…