Single Mothers Grants in Redondo Beach, California

Last Updated on September 19, 2023 by Lori Pace

This page is dedicated to helping single mothers find hardship grants and apply to financial assistance programs in Redondo Beach, LA County.

Grants for single mothers in Redondo Beach

Cash Assistance

CalWORKs, the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program is a program that provides financial assistance to single mothers for a limited time. Use the cash to pay for housing and medical care, clothing, utilities, food, and other necessities. Visit the website or call 866 613 3777 to find out if you’re eligible to apply for this assistance.

Help With Food

CalFresh is a program that helps low-income households including families of single mothers have access to nutritious food. This assistance allows families to increase their food purchasing power. Visit their website to apply for CalFresh and find out the services available to you.

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Help With Shelter and Housing

DPSS Housing Programs are available to help households experiencing homelessness or possible homelessness. Learn more about CalWORKs by visiting their website and send your inquiries through email.

Help With Energy and Utility Bills

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) assists qualifying families who are struggling to pay their energy bills, including electricity and gas. Seniors and families with children are the program’s priority. Learn more through their website or send them an email. If you speak Spanish or English email, or if you speak Chinese or Vietnamese email Call 213-353-1226 or 213-353-1228 for more information.

Help With Telephone and Internet Bills

Assurance Wireless can help low-income families struggling to pay their internet and telephone bills. Learn more about the program through their website. Call their office at (888) 898-4888, or email them.

Help With Childcare

CalWORKs Child Care Program supports single mothers involved in initiatives that aim to lead them to self-sufficiency and employment. Through the Welfare-to-Work activities, this program allows parents to get quality, affordable, and immediate care for their children. Visit their website for more information on the qualifications criteria.

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Help With Medical and Dental Care

Medi-Cal, a Department of Public Social Services program (DPSS) is designed to help low-income families in Los Angeles County with their health care needs. The program allows anyone to apply regardless of their race, age, or their immigration status. Apply for the program through their website.

Help With Legal Matters

Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County helps vulnerable people get access to civil legal representation. Learn more about their website or call their office at 800-433-6251.

Help With Financial Counseling

The Financial Counseling Center can offer help for families struggling with financial stress. Among the many services offered are debt counseling, debt negotiation, and settlements. Schedule a consultation through their website or call 323-919 2874.

Help from other groups

St Vincent’s is an international catholic organization that helps those in need. The organization is not exclusive and helps people regardless of their religious affiliation. Visit their website, or call their office at 800-974-3571.

We hope this page will help single mothers in Redondo find the right assistance programs.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!