Single Mothers Grants in Ripon, California

Last Updated on September 19, 2023 by Lori Pace

This article is dedicated to assisting single parents to get a grant in Ripon, San Joaquin County in financial distress.

Single parents grant in Ripon, California

Cash Assistance

CalWORKs is managed by the Human Services Agency of San Joaquin County. The program provides cash assistance and other services to qualified families. It is available in all California counties. Find more information on this program at their website.

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Help With Food

CalFresh provides assistance to those who need a bigger food budget or to those who can’t afford to buy food at all. Find more information about how to start the application process on their website.

Help With Shelter and Housing

The Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin manages programs like the Market Rate Properties Public Housing and the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Find more information on these programs at their website or contact the authority at 209-460-5100 or 800-855-7100.

Help With Energy and Utilities

The Home Energy Assistance program, managed by the Human Services Agency of San Joaquin County offers credit to residents who are income eligible to pay their energy bills. Find more information on this assistance at their website or call the department at 209-468-0439.

Help With Telephone and Internet Bills

Assurance Wireless offers a phone that may provide opportunities like employment opportunities and emergency services. Get unlimited voice and text calls and 500 megabytes of data per month through the California Lifeline program.  Find out more through their website.

Help With Medical and Dental Care

California’s Federal Medical Program, the Medi-Cal Health Insurance Program provides health insurance coverage to all single-income households, including single mothers. Find out more about eligibility for the assistance by visiting the website or calling the department at (209) 468-1000.

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Help With Legal Matters

San Joaquin County Bar Association operates the Lawyer Referral Services which is a non-profit organisation that assists vulnerable communities in the county with their legal needs. Request legal assistance online through their website, or call the office at 209-948-4620 on weekdays between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

Help With Financial Counseling

Clearpoint assists anyone with concerns about their finances. Clearpoint offers credit and budget counseling to help you manage your debt and budget. Find more information by visiting their website, or calling 800-750-2227.

Help From Other Groups

The Second Harvest Food Bank serves more than 325,000 people across seven countries. Learn more about the program offered by the organization through their website or by calling the office at (209) 239-2091.

We hope the information listed is helpful to Single Mothers in Ripon, CA looking for financial assistance.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!