Exploring the World of Swiss Hospitality Education: A Guide to Pursuing a Degree in Switzerland

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by Lori Pace

So, you’re thinking about diving into the world of hospitality, and you’ve heard whispers about these incredible Swiss hospitality schools. If the idea of crafting unforgettable experiences for guests and embracing the luxurious side of service sparks your interest, then you’re in for a treat. 

To give you an idea, here is what it means to pursue a degree in Switzerland’s hospitality scene and why it might just be the ticket to an amazing career.

Woman In Front Of A Swiss Hospitality School

What Sets Swiss Hospitality Schools Apart?

Imagine this: rolling hills, stunning lakes, and cozy villages – Switzerland isn’t just famous for its breathtaking views but also its top-notch hospitality. The Swiss hospitality schools are like shining stars in the education sky. They’re known for delivering education that’s not just book smarts but also hands-on know-how, getting you ready for the fast-paced world of hospitality.

The Swiss Way of Learning

Swiss hospitality schools have a way of teaching that’s quite unique. They like to mix learning with real-world action. Picture yourself learning the ropes of gourmet dining in a restaurant with Michelin stars or perfecting the art of running a grand event. This style of learning means you’ll be super ready, armed with skills and confidence to tackle the challenging world of hospitality.

A Buffet of Programs

Whether you’ve got dreams of being a top chef, a whiz at hotel management, or the mastermind behind unforgettable events, Swiss schools have a whole buffet of programs to choose from. From cooking to managing hotels to international hotel business, you’re likely to find a course that matches your passion and career goals.

Mixing It Up with People from Everywhere

Switzerland is like a global melting pot. People from all corners of the world come here to study. It’s a chance to open your mind to different cultures and ideas, making you more adaptable and culturally aware. Plus, the friends you make during your studies could be your ticket to exciting job opportunities all over the world.

Internships and Hanging Out with the Pros

Here’s the cherry on top: internships and partnerships with big names in the industry. Swiss hospitality schools often have strong connections with fancy hotels, restaurants, and event venues. This means you could end up getting hands-on experience in some of the fanciest places on the planet. Not only will you get to use your skills, but you’ll also be one step closer to landing a dream job.

Living the Sweet Life in Switzerland

Going to school in Switzerland isn’t just about hitting the books. You’ve got the chance to explore cool cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Lucerne during your downtime. Whether you’re into skiing down the Alps or cruising on serene lakes, Switzerland’s got a bit of everything. And don’t even get me started on the Swiss chocolate and cheese – it’s a taste bud adventure!

Living The Sweet Life In Switzerland

Cracking the Admission Code

Now, before you pack your bags, there are a few things to keep in mind. Swiss hospitality schools have their own rules for admission. You might need to show them your school records, and some letters of recommendation, and explain why you’re dying to join. Oh, and since many of the classes are in English, it’s good to be comfy with the language. Some schools might ask for test scores like TOEFL or IELTS to make sure you’re good to go.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!