Does Insurances Or Medicaid Cover Dermatology?

Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by Lori Pace

Navigating insurance coverage for dermatology services as a single mother can be perplexing. So, does Medicaid really cover dermatology?

Having personally grappled with Medicaid’s intricacies in accessing dermatological treatments, it’s essential to highlight that eligibility is far from a one-size-fits-all scenario. The specifics vary depending on your location within the United States. The regulations set by your particular state are instrumental in determining the extent of coverage and reimbursement rates for dermatological procedures.

Delving into the nuances of Medicaid’s state-specific structure, it’s crucial to emphasize that this program operates at the state level, primarily shaped by state laws rather than federal mandates. What’s noteworthy is the growing recognition among states regarding the importance of integrating dermatology services into Medicaid, given the increasing prevalence of skin conditions.

What Is Dermatology?

Dermatology, in essence, revolves around the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the skin and hair. As the body’s largest organ, the skin acts as a vital shield, safeguarding our internal organs from harm and bacterial intrusion. However, it’s susceptible to irritation from various sources, potentially leading to severe health issues if left untreated.

Moreover, the condition of your skin often serves as an indicator of your overall health. This underscores the significance of dermatological services in diagnosing and managing various illnesses. Skin problems, in fact, account for a substantial portion of all physician visits, underlining their ubiquity.

How Can You Get Dermatology Medicaid Cover?

Drawing upon my personal journey, securing coverage for dermatological services through Medicaid invariably involves obtaining a referral from your primary care physician. I strongly recommend pursuing this referral to ensure comprehensive coverage. For those who choose to self-fund their dermatology appointments, there’s also the option of direct booking with a dermatologist.

It’s important to note that Medicaid relies heavily on referrals to manage costs and verify the legitimate necessity of specialized care. Without a valid referral, Medicaid won’t cover your dermatological expenses, leaving you responsible for the out-of-pocket difference.

Additionally, if the dermatologist you wish to consult is outside the Medicaid network, you might incur out-of-network fees. Surprisingly, obtaining a referral from your primary physician doesn’t always require a formal appointment. Sometimes, a simple phone call can suffice to secure the necessary verification to see a specialist.

How Can You Get Dermatology Medicaid Cover

Which Dermatologic Conditions Are Covered by Medicaid?

When it comes to which dermatologic conditions Medicaid covers, it’s important to acknowledge that the specifics may vary based on your state’s Medicaid policies. Eligible conditions encompass a wide range, including but not limited to:

Skin Cancer

This condition, primarily triggered by direct sunlight exposure, entails abnormal skin cell growth. Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer, comprising three main types. Recent Medicaid expansions have facilitated easier access to skin cancer screenings and skincare at reduced costs.

Port Wine Stain Removal

Some states, such as Minnesota, mandate coverage for port-wine stain removal, a laser procedure targeting severe birthmarks resembling wine stains. This means that Medicaid is obliged to cover the treatment in all states.

Port Wine Stain Removal


Psoriasis manifests as red, inflamed, and crusty skin patches, often found on the scalp, elbows, and knees. While you can manage psoriasis with moisturizers or ointments, Medicaid can cover dermatological expenses related to this condition, albeit with deductibles and potential copayments.


Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, causes itchy and red skin. While more prevalent in children, it can affect individuals of any age. Medicaid offers coverage for children and adults through the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). However, it’s crucial to note that certain conditions like acne or keloids, considered cosmetic, aren’t covered by Medicaid. Additionally, procedures like Botox, chemical peels, and tattoo removals fall outside Medicaid’s purview.

How Can You Find A Dermatologist That Accepts Medicaid Cover?

Based on my own personal journey, locating a dermatologist who accepts Medicaid coverage entails a few essential steps. To commence, consider utilizing Medicaid’s dedicated physician comparison tool—an invaluable resource in my experience. By visiting your state’s Medicaid portal and specifying your location, this tool provides convenient access. Don’t forget to include the keyword ‘dermatology‘ in your search to streamline the process.

The search results should yield dermatologists and clinics located within a reasonable distance of each other, typically within a 15-mile radius. This online tool proves highly effective because it not only lists available physicians but also provides performance data, including patient ratings.

Why Do Dermatologists Reject Medicaid Cover?

Understanding the reasons behind dermatologists’ reluctance to accept Medicaid coverage sheds light on a critical aspect frequently faced by Medicaid enrollees, myself included. A widely acknowledged reality is that individuals covered by Medicaid often encounter more significant challenges when attempting to access dermatological care compared to those with private insurance. But what lies at the heart of this disparity?

Medicaid typically reimburses only 60% of the costs involved, leaving substantial financial gaps. While this reimbursement includes expenses related to medical support staff, rental of medical facilities, and utilities, it doesn’t encompass the cost of the dermatologist’s services or their time.

From my own experiences, I’ve come to understand that dermatologists often carry their specialized equipment when practicing within hospital settings. However, this practice occasionally poses challenges, particularly in cases where specific tools needed for procedures such as skin biopsies aren’t readily available in hospital environments.

For instance, in Ohio, Medicaid reimburses only $47.2 for skin biopsies, a sum that doesn’t cover the equipment and supplies essential for the procedure. Consequently, doctors sometimes provide their services and time for no charge.


In conclusion, as an individual who has personally navigated the intricacies of Medicaid coverage for dermatology, it’s paramount to acknowledge that eligibility hinges on your geographical location within the United States. To ensure a comprehensive understanding of your specific coverage, I strongly advise direct consultation with your local Medicaid provider. This will allow you to confirm the exact details of your plan’s coverage concerning dermatology services.

If you’re curious about Medicare coverage for dermatology, you can explore our article dedicated to the topic.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!