Single Mothers Grants in Santa Fe Springs, California

Last Updated on January 30, 2024 by Lori Pace

This page is dedicated to helping financially struggling single mothers find a path that will take them to employment and self-sufficiency in a very short time. We bring you all the grants available for single moms in Santa Fe Springs, CA.

Grants for single moms in Santa Fe Springs, CA

Cash Assistance

CalWORKs is a program that provides limited-time cash assistance to single mothers who have or are expecting children. Visit the department website to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.

Help With Food

CalFresh provides assistance to low-income households, including single mothers, to help them afford healthy food. Visit the department website to learn more about how this program can increase your food-buying ability.

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Help With Shelter and Housing

The Department of Public Social Services Homeless Programs is designed to assist families eligible for CalWORKs. The eligible single parents for CalWORKs who are facing the possibility of homelessness, or are currently homeless are the ones assisted in this program. The website provides more information about these programs.

Help With Energy and Utilities

Apply for help with your energy bills, eligible families can contact the PACE home or Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Visit the website or call their office at 213-353-1227 to find out your eligibility for this assistance.

Help With Telephone and Internet Bills

Assurance Wireless, a California Lifeline Provider initiative provides low-income families with the opportunity to have a phone line. Single mothers can apply for unlimited minutes, texts, and 500 megabytes per month of data. Visit the website to learn more and download a request form.

Help With Childcare

CalWORKs Child Care Program helps low-income parents afford quality child care as they engage in economic activity that helps them get out of difficult situations. Visit the website of the department to learn more.

Help With Medical and Dental Care

The Department of Social Services can help you access healthcare, or if you’re having troubles in paying for doctor visits. Get more information through their website.

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Help With Legal Matters

The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles helps single mothers with low income faced with non-criminal legal issues. Their website has a list of recommended lawyers for private cases.

Help With Financial Counseling

The Los Angeles Federal Credit Union helps people overwhelmed by debt and could not survive being on a budget. Visit their website to make an appointment.

Help from other groups

The Path Beyond Shelter Programs offers other services for single mothers in Santa Fe Springs. For more information about the Housing First Initiative, Family Solutions Center, and the First 5 programs visit their website, call 323-644-2231, or send them an email.

We hope this page helps every mother in financial distress find the assistance they need.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!