Small Business Grants In New Hampshire

Last Updated on January 31, 2024 by Lori Pace

Are you an entrepreneur in New Hampshire looking to take your small business to the next level? If so, you’re in luck! Small business grants in New Hampshire can give you the funding you need to grow and succeed. There is something for everyone, with various grant opportunities available, ranging from industry-specific grants to grants for women entrepreneurs.

By taking advantage of these grants, you can achieve your business goals and realize your entrepreneurial dreams.

This article will explore the different types of small business grants available in New Hampshire and provide valuable information on securing this funding. We’ll delve into the eligibility requirements for these grants and offer helpful tips on creating a successful grant application.

By utilizing these resources and taking advantage of the grant programs available in New Hampshire, you can give your small business the boost it needs to thrive in today’s competitive market. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity – read on to learn more about small business grants in New Hampshire! 

Work Invest NH

If you’re an entrepreneur in New Hampshire looking for small business grants, you should check out Work Invest NH. Formerly called the NH Job Training Fund, the Work Invest NH program provides various resources and funding opportunities for business owners in the state. 

Through their small business grants, business owners can access the financial assistance they need to expand their operations, invest in new technologies, hire additional staff, or provide skills training for their workforce.

In addition to its own funding programs, Work Invest NH can connect business owners with other resources and opportunities from the federal government and nonprofit organizations in addition to their own funding programs. This comprehensive approach to business development ensures that entrepreneurs can access a wide range of support and funding options. 

New Hampshire SBDC

The New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is a valuable resource for entrepreneurs in the state, offering support and guidance to help them achieve their business goals.

Through the SBDC, eligible applicants can access grant funds and receive assistance in navigating the grant application process.

The SBDC also provides valuable resources and information on eligibility requirements for various grant programs, including those offered by government agencies and business support organizations.

Additionally, the SBDC offers guidance on developing long-term business strategic plans, which can be crucial for securing state-funded small business grants.

Whether you’re a startup, an established business, or a women-owned business, the SBDC can provide the necessary support to help you navigate the complex world of grant funding and achieve your business objectives. 

Amber Grant for Women

The Amber Grant for Women is a prestigious grant program that aims to provide financial assistance and recognition to women-owned businesses in New Hampshire. This grant provides funding and a platform for women to showcase their innovative ideas and contribute to job creation and the state’s economic growth.

By offering this grant opportunity, industry experts and business program specialists acknowledge women entrepreneurs’ unique challenges and are committed to empowering them to succeed. The Amber Grant is an excellent addition to the sources for grants available in New Hampshire, providing women entrepreneurs with the necessary resources to turn their business plans into reality.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to receive financial support and gain recognition for your business endeavors. Apply for the Amber Grant for Women today and take a significant step towards realizing your entrepreneurial dreams. 

Grant Watch

Grant Watch is a platform that can help you discover and apply for various funding options to support your entrepreneurial goals in New Hampshire.

The platform provides a comprehensive database of state-funded small business grants in New Hampshire. These grants are specifically tailored to support local entrepreneurs and can offer additional funding to help you achieve your business goals.

Grant Watch also informs you about federal grants, business relief programs, and community development projects in New Hampshire. These initiatives can provide financial support during challenging times and help you contribute to the growth and development of your local community.

Take advantage of Grant Watch to maximize your chances of securing the funding you need to succeed as an entrepreneur in New Hampshire. 

SBIR and STTR Grant Programs

Discover how the SBIR and STTR grant programs can provide self-employed entrepreneurs with valuable funding opportunities to advance their innovative ideas and drive business growth.

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant programs are federally-funded initiatives that aim to stimulate technological innovation and foster collaboration between small businesses and research institutions.

These programs offer funding at different stages of development, from early-stage research to product commercialization. By participating in these programs, self-employed entrepreneurs can access financial resources to support their long-term business strategic plans, attract investment from venture capital firms, and overcome temporary cash flow issues.

The SBIR and STTR programs also provide access to valuable resources such as entrepreneur training, applicant workshops, and business performance coaches.

Through these programs, self-employed entrepreneurs can explore credit card funding options, connect with rural business incubators, and tap into the expertise of industry professionals to accelerate their business growth. 

State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant

The State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) Grant is a state-funded small business grant designed to assist small businesses in New Hampshire with their international trade efforts. With this grant, you can access various resources and support to help you identify and pursue new opportunities in global markets.

The STEP grant provides financial assistance to eligible small businesses, covering some costs associated with activities such as market research, trade show participation, and foreign business development trips. This financial support can significantly reduce the financial burden of expanding your business internationally and make exploring new markets more feasible.

The grant program also offers market research and assistance services to help you gain valuable insights into potential markets and develop effective strategies for entering them. Whether you need assistance with market analysis, competitor research, or identifying suitable distribution channels, the STEP grant can connect you with experts who can provide the guidance and resources you need to make informed decisions.

Besides financial assistance and market research support, the STEP grant provides access to training and educational programs aimed at helping small businesses navigate the complexities of international trade. These programs cover various topics, including export compliance, logistics, cultural considerations, and international marketing strategies. Participating in these training programs can enhance your knowledge and skills, giving you a competitive edge in the global marketplace. 

Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE)

By leveraging the resources offered by the Center for Women & Enterprise (CWE), female entrepreneurs can unlock their full potential and overcome barriers to achieve success in their business ventures.

The CWE is dedicated to supporting women-owned companies in New Hampshire by providing small business grants and additional funding opportunities. Women entrepreneurs can access cash, credit card funding options, and government benefits through their programs to help grow their businesses.

CWE also offers valuable resources and workshops to help women navigate the business’s challenges, including managing payroll and accessing funding. With the support of CWE, women-owned and minority-owned businesses in New Hampshire have the tools and opportunities they need to thrive and succeed. 

NASE Growth Grant

The NASE Growth Grant offers business development grants of up to $4,000 that can be used for marketing, advertising, hiring employees, expanding facilities, and other business needs. Since 2006, NASE has awarded nearly $1,000,000 through the Growth Grants program.

The grants are awarded at the sole discretion of NASE, and the application deadline is quarterly based on the schedule provided. To be eligible, you must be a member in good standing, and the length of the business plan for the application may vary. The selection criteria include identifiable business needs, detailed use of grant proceeds, and potential impact on business growth and success. 

Eligibility Requirements for Small Business Grants in New Hampshire

Entrepreneurs in New Hampshire must meet specific eligibility requirements to qualify for small business grants. These requirements may vary depending on the grant program but typically include factors such as the number of employees, the type of business, and the industry in which the business operates.

For example, some grants may be specifically targeted toward minority-owned businesses or women-owned companies. Additionally, there may be requirements regarding the number of employees per day or the number of employees’ regular hours worked. Some grants may also require that businesses contribute towards employee health insurance premiums.

It’s important for entrepreneurs to research and understand the eligibility criteria for each grant program they’re interested in, as there may be additional state-specific requirements. By meeting these criteria, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of securing grant funding and accessing the necessary capital for business growth. 

Helpful Tips for Successful Grant Application

When applying for a grant, make sure to clearly outline your business needs and how the grant funds will impact your growth and success. It is important to provide a detailed use of the grant proceeds, highlighting how the funds will be used for marketing, advertising, hiring employees, expanding facilities, or other specific business needs. This will demonstrate to the grant-giving body the identifiable business need and the potential impact on your business growth and success.

Additionally, following the application guidelines and providing all necessary documentation within the specified timeline is crucial. Maintaining records of your grant usage is essential, and ensure that the funds are used consistently with the grant use statement.

Remember, some grants impose eligibility restrictions in terms of fund usage. Finally, consult a tax advisor to understand any tax implications. 

Alternative Resources for Small Businesses in New Hampshire

In Granite State, there are various avenues you can explore to support and grow your business. Here are four options to consider:

1. State Economic Development Agencies: New Hampshire offers several economic development agencies that provide resources, funding, and guidance to help small businesses thrive. These agencies can offer assistance in areas such as financing, workforce development, and business expansion.

2. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): CDFIs are financial institutions that provide affordable financing options to underserved communities, including small businesses. These organizations can offer loans, grants, and other financial products tailored to meet the needs of small businesses in New Hampshire.

3. Networking and Mentorship Programs: Connecting with other small business owners and experienced mentors can provide invaluable support and guidance. Joining local business organizations, attending networking events, and seeking out mentorship opportunities can help you build relationships and gain insights from those who have already navigated the challenges of running a small business.

By exploring these alternative resources, you can tap into additional support systems and opportunities that can contribute to the growth and success of your small business in New Hampshire. Remember to research each option thoroughly to determine which ones align with your specific needs and goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How competitive are the grant programs in New Hampshire?

Grant programs in New Hampshire are competitive, but you can find the right opportunity with persistence and dedication. Grants provide valuable funding and support for entrepreneurs, helping them achieve their business goals and fueling business growth.

Can franchises in New Hampshire apply for small business grants?

Yes, franchises in New Hampshire may be eligible for small business grants, although the specific requirements can vary. It is important to research and understand the criteria for eligibility and prepare a well-prepared grant application.

Can the NASE Growth Grant funds be used for debt or rent/mortgage payments?

The NASE Growth Grant funds cannot be used for debt or rent/mortgage payments. These funds are intended for business development, such as marketing, hiring, and expanding facilities. 


In conclusion, if you’re an entrepreneur in New Hampshire looking for funding to grow your small business, small business grants in New Hampshire can be a valuable resource for you. With various grant programs available, ranging from Work Invest NH to the Amber Grant for Women, there are opportunities for businesses in various industries and stages of development.

To increase your chances of securing grant funding, meeting the eligibility requirements set by each grant program is important. This may include criteria such as being a New Hampshire resident, having a viable business plan, or being a woman-owned business. Additionally, providing a compelling and well-prepared grant application is crucial. Take the time to research and understand each grant program’s specific requirements and tailor your application accordingly.

If you find that grant funding isn’t a viable option for your small business, alternative resources are available in New Hampshire. Consider contacting organizations such as the New Hampshire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) or the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) Small Business Technical Assistance program for guidance and support.

Remember, the journey to securing grant funding for your small business may require persistence and dedication, but the potential benefits are worth it. By exploring the grant opportunities available, meeting the eligibility requirements, and submitting a strong application, you can increase your chances of obtaining the funding you need to achieve your business goals. Good luck on your entrepreneurial journey in New Hampshire!

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!