Celtic Mother And Son Symbols

Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by Lori Pace

The Celts created a finite amount of Celtic symbols. Comparing to the Celtic mother and son symbols, you see above and beneath looks amazing, it’s not one of the original Celtic icons. The Celtic Motherhood Knot is not suitable. As you will see below, there are many mother-son Celtic knots that have deep meaning.

Beware Of What You See Online About Mother And Son Symbols

Many websites offer Celtic mother and son tattoos or jewelry, which may seem to be ancient symbols. There are only a few symbols that the Celts created, so don’t be fooled by what you find online. For example, the design shown above is not an old symbol.

It’s All About Interpretation

There is no Celtic Symbol that can be used to symbolize mother and child, but there are many Celtic Knots which can be used. Below are some examples.

Celtic symbol
It’s all about interpretation,

Many Celtic symbols can be used to symbolize mother-son bond. There are many options, including the Triskelion, the Dara Knot, and the Trinity Knot.

Love, Strength And Family Symbols

The Different Symbols Of Mother Son Celtic Knots

The Celtic symbol for mother/son falls into one of two categories: the new inventions or the original symbol. Both are available below, including the Celtic Tree of Life as well as several designs that can be used as Celtic mother-daughter symbols.

The Recent Invention

You will see the Celtic symbol for mother/son most often online if it is a variation on one of these designs. Although these aren’t original Celtic designs, many people use them to create Celtic mother-son tattoos. They look stunning visually. This design is great if you don’t care about it being original.

The Various Family Symbols

Many Celtic symbols can be used to make great mother-son Celtic knots. We think the Crann Bethadh, the tree in the middle, and the Triskelion, are the most striking. Both can symbolize the bond between mother and son.

The Strength Mother And Son Symbols

The Strength Mother And Son Symbols

There’s some repetition as the Celtic strength symbol is the Celtic Tree of Life. Other options in this category include the Dara Knot and the Ailm. These are the most popular Celtic mother-son tattoos because they are aesthetically pleasing.

The Celtic Love Knot

There are many Celtic symbols of love but we are focusing our attention on the Celtic Love Knot. Although this isn’t one of the old designs, it is a Celtic symbol that mother and son love because the design includes a heart. This is an excellent option if you don’t mind if your mother’s Celtic Knot is unique.

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!