Dental Grants in Oklahoma | Free Dental Implants

Last Updated on January 30, 2024 by Lori Pace

Oklahoma offers dental grants to help financially support dentists in order to make affordable services available to Oklahomans who are less fortunate. Many non-profit organizations work together to provide free dental care for low-income people, veterans and other eligible applicants.

The Oklahoma Dental Association and American Dental Association have teamed with several foundations and programs to provide financial assistance to dental specialists throughout the state. These foundations also have a mission: to improve Oklahoma residents’ oral health and well-being.

Charitable foundations make every attempt to give dental care to the low-income and uninsured or underinsured Oklahomans.

Grants for Dental Work in Oklahoma – Improving Oral Health of Oklahomans

All funds under the title of Oklahoma dental grants serve one purpose: to improve the state’s dental hygiene and increase access to dental services across the state.

The Delta Dental of Oklahoma Foundation supports various education and oral health programs in Oklahoma. It also aims to improve the quality of dental services and make them more accessible for all residents. Volunteers and members of the DDOF support the DDOF programs.

Oklahoma Dental Association (ODA) supports volunteers at all levels. Even dentists from the private sector are also welcome to join the support. Many programs provide dentists with the resources and tools to practice their profession and help more people. Besides, the ODA foundation’s purpose is to improve the science and practice of dentistry in Oklahoma.

All eligible applicants can receive dental care services from the state through programs and foundations. Oklahoma has a variety of research projects, student clinics and free events. Hence, Oklahomans receive the best possible treatment at a reduced or no cost through volunteer dental clinics.

Who Is Eligible For Dental Grants in Oklahoma?

The Delta Dental of Oklahoma Foundation (DDOF), although it provides financial support for many programs and dental clinics in Oklahoma, does not provide oral-care services to every Oklahoman.

The associations set the eligibility criteria to determine who is eligible to receive grants treatment to provide their services.

In short, the Donated Dental Services program is a part of the Dental Lifeline Network (DLN). Oklahoma allows dental grants to be approved for patients who are:

  • Dealing with permanent disability
  • 65 years old or older
  • Qualified as medically impaired
  • In a Family without enough income to pay for dental treatment
Who Is Eligible For Dental Grants In Oklahoma

It is important that applicants only apply for dental grants if they meet all the requirements set by authorities. So, hose who did not meet the guidelines will receive a letter of denial.

Points to Note:

  • Oklahoma’s volunteer dentists offer their services only to those eligible for the program. Hence, not all Oklahomans qualify.
  • Volunteer dentists, members, volunteers and dental clinics don’t offer emergency services to anyone, not even those eligible.
  • Before applying, please read the guidelines. Program members will not accept any errors in the application form.

How to Apply For a Dental Grant in Oklahoma?

To apply for Oklahoma dental grants, you must apply for the program that best suits your needs. Check out the Oklahoma Dental Association website for the lists of free and reduced-cost clinics.

You can find the eligibility guidelines for veterans and an application form on the Dental Life Line page.

The Oklahoma Mission of Mercy annually offers a free two-day dental clinic to the community. Besides, the OK MOM website has more information. Oklahoma Dental Association (ODA) Website.

How To Apply For A Dental Grant In Oklahoma

Dental Grants

  • Oklahomans can receive dental grants to improve their smiles and prevent other problems. Non-profit organizations approve these funds to help as many people as possible.
  • According to the Dental Lifeline Network (DLN) data, more than 300 dentists have signed up for Donated Dental Services (DDS).
  • For this reason, 330 dentists have signed up for the D-Dent Program – (Dentists For the Elderly and Disabled in Need of Treatment).

Cosmetic Dental Grants in Oklahoma 

Dental grants also cover cosmetic dentistry. However, most dental insurance companies do not provide cosmetic dental grants.

Dental Implant Grants in Oklahoma

Tooth replacement is a costly part of dentistry that is not covered by insurance. Eligible applicants may apply for dental implant grants to receive the treatment at a reduced rate or for free.

Free Dental Implants Clinical Trials

Dental Grants in Oklahoma – Free Dental Implants Clinical Trials

Dental implants can be expensive. You might have to pay $4000-$5000 per tooth if you want to replace your tooth. So, hose who don’t want to spend this amount can opt for clinical trials, which non-profit organisations and dental schools offer.

Student-dentists can also take part in free clinical trials for dental implants. These trials are funded by many dental programs to ensure Oklahomans have the best possible oral health care. However, to continue their research, dentists need actual patients. So, they are looking for volunteers.

The dentists will require patients with certain oral conditions to participate in clinical trials. This is because they need to find new devices and medicines that work. Participation in clinical trials is possible for eligible patients, making dental implant treatment more affordable. Many programs offer treatment at very low or no cost.

As everything is performed under expert supervision, you can participate in the ongoing program to get dental implants. Check their government page for more information about the clinical trials of active dental implants in Oklahoma. 

Lori Pace
Lori Pace

Lori Pace is a single mother of three daughters ages 7 and under. As a working mom from home, she balances kids, work and two crazy dogs with humor and love. Follow Lori as she honestly gives tips and advice based on her own experiences as a single mom!